Rectifier & Inverter

Raddrizzatore Digitale 110Vdc - Digital Rectifier 110Vdc

Raddrizzatore Digitale 220Vdc - Digital Rectifier 220Vdc
Apart from its standard production, Astrid is also able to provide units designed to customer's specifications for industrial applications.
110Vdc/220Vdc Digital Rectifiers
Size: starting from 50A
Standard Features:
Mains isolation transformer
Digital control electronics thyristors
Rectifier Stack (thyristors) and Output Filter
12 Pulses Rectifier
Decoupling Diode
Dropping Diodes
Dry Contact Relay Cards
Mod-bus Card
More Product features(110Vdc)
More Product features(220Vdc)

Inverter Monofase 110 Vdc - Singlephase Inverter 110Vdc

Inverter Monofase 220 Vdc - Singlephase Inverter 220Vdc
Apart from its standard production, Astrid is also able to provide units designed to customer's specifications for industrial applications
Single-phase Inverters
Size: starting from 5 kVA
Standard Features
PWM IGBT Inverter
Inverter Output Transformer
SCR Inverter Static Switch
SCR By-pass Static Switch
Manual By-pass Make Before Brake Switch
By-pass Insulation Transformer
Parallel Redundant Configuration (up to 4)
Dry Contact Relay Cards
Mod-bus Card
SNMP Adapter
More Product features(110Vdc)
More Product features(220Vdc)
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